Sunday, 17 January 2010

Haiti Disaster Appeal

Here are important messages about the Haiti disaster from Al Gore and Christophe Poizat of the International Network of Social-Eco Entrepreneurs:

Following the recent catastrophic events in Haiti, one of our members, Rick Feineis, has an important message to share with you:

"Our water filtration systems ( are perfect for use in Haiti. I can explain later if you want me to. We have a patron that has offered to purchase $100,000 worth of HydroWell Village and HydroPack systems to send to Haiti. We have figured out the logistics, located the 501c to donate the money to a US-based Haitian relief organization with 40 years of service; we are in the process of making it happen.

We are looking to see if there is anyone else that wants to donate money to purchase and send systems to Haiti while we have this opening for the plane to get into the country. We have a limited amount of time to get the plane into Haiti. It will be leaving within the next 24 to 48 hours. Interested in helping us help those in need in Haiti? Please visit our website to donate $25.00 USD to this cause: -- please spread the word."

And I'd like to share another message I received from Al Gore, Chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection:

"The earthquake in Haiti has been catastrophic. More than three million people have been affected, and estimates are that over 50,000 have died. The human suffering is unimaginable. That's why I'd like to pause from our usual conversation and ask for your help.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with 85% of Haitians already living in desperate poverty. Now, with hospitals in ruin, dire shortages of even basic necessities like fresh water, and no way to find out whether family members are alive, the Haitian people urgently need our help. A number of organizations are already engaged in critical relief efforts, and I urge you to support as many of them as you can. One of them, Oxfam America, has an emergency response team of more than 200 people already on the ground.

The need for clean water and critical public health services is massive and immediate -- and our donations can help save lives. Make a donation to Oxfam's earthquake relief effort in Haiti:
Or, for a list of other organizations to donate to and ways to make a difference, see

There are moments when we, as human beings, must come together as a global community and as stewards of each others' health and welfare. It is that sense of interconnectedness that brought each of us to the climate movement, and it is moments like this that bring out the best in us -- as individuals, as a nation, and as a movement.

Let's make sure the people of Haiti do not face this disaster alone. Thank you for taking action in the face of this tragedy.

Al Gore Chairman Alliance for Climate Protection

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