Thursday, 15 November 2007

What's So Wrong With TV?

I am fed up with people decrying TV as a bad thing to be avoided.

What is wrong with TV? I watch wonderful documentary programmes on history, art, travel, National Geographic programs on animals, natural wonders, building megastructures and biographies to learn about other people's lives.

My husband also watches programmes on cars which he enjoys. It is better than wasting thousands of pounds buying them and polluting the atmosphere more.

We watch all sorts of films to amuse us, challenge us or just entertain. It is healthy to laugh at comedy and much British TV comedy is excellent.

Our children watch their favourite characters then play with those toys and recreate stories. My son has even created his own Doctor Who site

We watch intelligent quizzes like Stephen Fry's "QI", topical satire like "Have I Got News for You?" and learn new facts. We watch channels in other languages.

We watch football matches if England or Liverpool are playing, rugby if South Africa or England are playing.

We never watch soaps, limit watching the news, do not buy from TV shopping nor watch anything which is an insult to our intelligence.

We also read books, including personal development, novels and non-fiction. I do SuDoku and brain training. We all play chess, in fact our 9 year old wants to be world chess champion. He watched a fascinating programme on a female grand master which inspired him. We play family board games, read with the children, go on country walks, visit interesting places, art galleries and museums.

Oh, and I watch many programmes which stimulate ideas and discussions for blog postings on my 10 different blogs and 11 Squidoos.


  1. I agree with you. We don't watch that much TV, but that is not because TV would be bad. TV is the reason my daughters manage well in English and other languages and there are a lot of good educational shows you can learn a lot from.

    I do think though, that watching to many soaps isn't that good, especially for young people that might build their view of the world on what they watch. I don't think TV is bad, but some of the shows might not be that healthy.

  2. nothing is wrong with TV, it depends on what you watch. everything on TV is not good. too much TV can take away from other things. i wrote a post on TV called I hate TV about 2 weeks ago. Some TV shows show too much and may not have the same morals you do, so why watch.

  3. Choose your programming. TV is great for learning languages and about many subjects.

    A lot of TV programmes are just time-killing and who wants to kill time?
